Watch this space

Latest news from the project

The Guildhall belongs to the people of St Ives.

This project will celebrate the Guildhall’s rich past, confirming its role as the civic and cultural heart of the town and re-imagining it for future generations.

The Guildhall is managed by St Ives Town Council and has been since 2013. The hall has always provided a space for live performance and entertainment for the local community.

In 2019, the Town Council began a regeneration project to breathe new life into the building. It is now proud to have secured £3.1 million through the St Ives Town Deal as part of the £19.9 million Government ‘Towns Fund’. This significant once in a lifetime funding is the catalyst ensuring the council’s aims and ambitions will be realised.

How we will do this?

  • A new light and airy glazed foyer will welcome you into a fully modernised bar and cafe space.
  • We will re-develop the front of the building to provide warm welcome to all.
  • We will re-invest in the fabric of the building fit for 21st century, bringing in energy efficiency and sound reduction measures plus a high quality audio and visual set up.
  • We will introduce a versatile and comfortable new seating system, that is quick to turn around to make the space more flexible.
  • Changes to the building will support us to create a diverse programme of events and activities.

BUT this is not all about the building

We want to use our working venue to provide jobs, training and work experience opportunities for young people, supporting our creative sector locally and regionally.

The project is locally lead by a not for profit, which ensures that investment is recycled back into the local community.

How will we know if we have succeeded?

  • We will have renovated a historic building, giving it a sustainable future.
  • More local people will have access to live performance, culture and creative events.
  • More young people will develop into creative and technical roles.
  • Local business will benefit from increased footfall along quieter routes.

What’s happening when?

  • 2023 development of plans, designs, consultation and planning application.
  • At the end September 2023 the hall will close for works.
  • The Town Council’s reception, offices & Guildhall upper rooms will remain open throughout the development programme as the main structural and operational changes are within the Hall and building exterior.
  • Re-opening planned for early 2026.

For updates on the project sign up to the Guildhall newsletter.

If you’re interested in having a voice in the future developments as part of the stakeholder working group please contact our Head of Culture and Community.

Get in touch

General Enquiries

available from 10am – 5pm

Box Office

available from 9:30am – 4pm


The Guildhall,
Street an Pol,
St Ives, TR26 2DS